
Trnava University in Trnava opens an option to stay in the Trnava University dormitory - "Petra Pázmaňa" dormitory on Rybníkova street 13/A in Trnava. The dormitory is located about 5 minute's walk from the main university building. The number of rooms is limited (45 rooms available). It is important to make a reservation and pay for accommodation during the registration process.


- 45 double rooms (40,- EUR a night for a single guest or 35,- EUR a night per person if shared by two guests),

- rooms are without air conditioning,

- each room has a shower, toilet, sink, a refrigerator,

- Internet access via WiFi network (only free Eduroam hotspot). If you do not have Eduroam access credentials, you need your own internet connection,

- a kitchenette with microwave and electric cooker with hob and electric oven on each floor,

- self-service washing machines and a dryer in the basement,

- free parking.


Študentský domov Petra Pázmaňa, Rybníková 13A, 917 01 Trnava